Random thoughts: Today is my birthday

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The clock struck 12 last night and the tweets, Facebook posts and text messages started coming in.  I woke up this morning to my wife and daughter jumping on the bed screaming “Happy birthday!”

It was amazing and it is moments like these that make life worth living.

Today I turned 33 years old.  It has been quite a journey through my life.  There were times when I thought I was going to live from couch to couch forever, but then I wised up, fell in love with the most amazing woman I have ever known and became a better man for it.  And now here I am today.  I have been very fortunate with the opportunities life has granted me.  I am very happy with the way things have turned out.

My parents were 17 when they had me, which always sickens coworkers when they say, “Oh my God! I’m almost as old as your mother!” I’m sure I’ll be in that boat someday.  But, I digress, they were young, stupid and, presumably, in love.  I’m pretty sure I was the ring bearer at my parents’ wedding 3 or so years later.  As a child I lost myself in comic books and drawing.  I watched lots of cartoons and played video games.  I still have love for those things, but don’t have the time to dedicate to them.

So, what is so special about a birthday anyway?  For me, well, whether it be the beginning of a new year, a new month, a new week … they all represent new beginnings.  These dates represent a time to sit back and reflect on what is going right and to right what things are headed in the wrong direction.  Every year, month and, sometimes, week, I try to reassess my goals and how close I am getting to achieving those goals.  Sometimes we may have goals that are unachievable at the pace set, well, that’s when I try to come up with a new, more realistic strategy.

I also try to take this time and express gratitude.  Gratitude for family and friends.  I reaffirm how thankful I am for my job, career and the path they have taken me.  Some of it is expressed internally, but I find it more powerful to share with my spouse so she knows that I am forever grateful to have her in my life while we pave ourselves a path towards the future.

So, happy birthday to me, but more importantly… Mom, Dad, brothers, Grandma, Grandpa, aunts and uncles, wife and child — Thank you for me.  You made me be better at life.

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