Shifu for Android; The smartest of To-Do apps?

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Shifu Task Reminder



You are a busy man. You have a lot on your plate and need to be reminded of such. If you don’t have a wonderful person in your life who will gently nudge you in the direction you need to go in order to accomplish these tasks, well, you might want to look into a to-do app for your smartphone.

Android has a ton of great to-do apps, but Shifu is one of the latest to come on the scene. The app lets you set reminders based on location, time of day and people you speak with over the phone. This is one of the latest of contextual apps that try to guess what tasks you wish to accomplish based on the aforementioned criteria. (I’m currently using Cover which offers similar type of functionality within the lock screen.)

When adding a task you can set the reminders based on time available, network, when on a call with a specific contact or location. Shifu also analyzes your phone usage to estimate your free time and suggest tasks for you accordingly. Shifu will give you a list of task suggestions. The followup on call reminders works amazingly. I have biweekly calls with my manager and I have set Shifu to remind me to refer back to a list of action items I need to cover with her.

With other to-do apps you have to think about specific times when you can accomplish a task. Shifu will analyze your day and suggest when the right time would be to accomplish those tasks. When it comes to productivity and going through your to-do list it really is the little hacks here and there that add up over the course of time. Shifu helps you do just that.

FREE – Download Shifu from Google Play

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