Mobile apps are overrated

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We review a ton of mobile apps here on  Some of those apps have been story book apps like those from Oceanhouse Media.  These apps have their place, but one place where they should not be on a regular basis is in the bedroom during bedtime.

There are common, everyday interactions with our chid that each of us enjoys.  My wife’s favorite time of the day is picking the little one up from daycare.  Picking her up from daycare makes her feel like the workday has officially come to a close.  She feels that after this task is accomplished she can finally start to unwind.

My favorite time of the day is bedtime.  Even with the hustle and bustle and the fighting and arguing that may happen during the course of our bedtime routine, I actually enjoy putting my daughter to bed.  There is something special in that connection.  I feel that as we are going through our checklist of items we need to get done before bed I have her undivided attention.  There is no television in the background.  There is no iPad in sight. It is just her, myself and a book.

I gave tablet apps a try for a while.  She would almost always want the app to read the book to her and she would get distracted by the interactive screen.  Lost in this process was the emotional bond we would solidify reading a physical book.  Through cracking open the book, she gets to hear my voice recite it her.  I get to ask her questions on the story.  I can sing the storybook, read it with my horrible version of an English accent or, my personal favorite, read it like a diner waitress from South Jersey. Hey, sweetie! What can I gecha?! 

After we get through the book, we get to recap the day a bit.  We discuss what she wants for breakfast in the morning.  We also talk about what the plans are for tomorrow.  Those tender moments of undivided attention and interaction, for me, is as good as it gets.  It reminds me how truly awesome it is to be a father.

Technology provides us with a lot of advances.  It can make a lot of things easier on us.  My daughter sometimes prefers doing puzzles or math games on the iPad over watching Phineas & Ferb. One thing mobile apps cannot replace is the bonds that can be formed and/or solidified during those few moments in the day when you can truly connect with your child.

Further reading: When and how can you teach your toddler to read?

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