Tech Etiquette

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As parents it is our job to lead by example. It is up to us to set down ground rules as to what is and what is not socially acceptable.

It seems with each day that passes our manners outside the home deteriorate with each day. With little eyes watching our every move, it is important that we be on our “A” game all day, every day.

Sure it is important to establish table manners and respect for others through please and thank you, but have you thought about your tech habits?  Do you make it a habit to talk on the phone in public?  Are you yapping while checking out at the grocery store?  Do you text or check the scores while others are talking to you?  Are you preoccupied with your iPad while your little one is recapping his or her day to you?

These habits may pose issues of concern later on in life.  These habits may be seen as a lack of respect for others.  And, if you are like me, lack of respect for others is not a trait that you want your child to pick up.  We spend so much time emphasizing on table manners and teaching our children to appreciate all the small things in life.  It is important that we slow down just a bit when they are in our presence so we can continue our mission in life, which is to set a good foundation for our children.

Not talking on the phone while standing at the checkout shows respect for the clerk and those around you.  Not tapping away on a keyboard or tablet while your child is trying to tell you about her day is showing her that she is your top priority no matter how trivial you may feel the conversion is.

Your assignment today is to think about how you conduct yourself around your child when it comes to your tech habits.

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